
Contact Me

Email is the best way to contact me. If you have questions that cannot be answered by email you may call the number below, but please allow 24 hours for me to return your call.



Email + Phone


Address + Directions

I am located in downtown New York City in the Tribeca/City Hall neighborhood of Manhattan, at the corner of Broadway and Chambers streets. I also maintain a satellite office in Rockaway Park by the beach.

Tribeca Address

277 Broadway, Suite 1010
New York, NY 10007


All subways between 1-3 blocks from the office

A/C/E to Chambers St
N/R/W to City Hall
J /M/Z to Chambers St
4/5/6 to Brooklyn Bridge / City Hall
1/2/3 to Chambers St

Rockaway Address

198 Beach 101 Street,
Rockaway Park, NY 11694


A to Rockaway Park Beach 98 Street


Ferry to Rockaway + 10 minute walk